As a property management Canberra expert, it is likely that you are living a life that is much more stressful than it should be because you are disorganized in your physical space, digital environment, or company operations.
The worst thing is that when you’re disorganized and anxious, you get the impression that you’ve fallen so deep into a hole that you’ll never be able to climb out, so you don’t even bother trying.
Fortunately for you, there are solutions…
It is possible to arrange your job and life using simple techniques and simple tools that will allow you to manage more properties in the Canberra property management business in less time while also living a more stress-free existence.
When it comes to managing your possessions, the more organized you are, the better.
In turn, this means fewer problems at the properties to be concerned about, less time and money spent on repairs, and fewer dinners missed at home because you had to go check on something at a construction site or building.
Organize Your Property Management Company’s Operations

To begin saving time and money for your property management Canberra company, organizing your business procedures is the quickest and most direct approach to start saving time and money.
Yes, because of how quickly things are progressing in today’s society, technology may seem to be overwhelming or out of reach in some situations. However, there are still individuals who can assist you in putting the appropriate technology in place so that your property management Canberra company is more efficient and you don’t have to worry about figuring things out on your own time.
Make use of simple-to-use tools.
Employees Can Be Managed Using Technology
Maintaining control over employee time and labor may be a major headache if you don’t have the appropriate tools in place. It is possible to have:
- GPS punch in within tenths of a mile of the work site via their smartphone
- Mobile app for timesheet review, TOA requests and approval
- Improved updates and management when nearing overtime
Make the switch to paperless transactions.
In one fell swoop, going paperless can help you manage your company as well as your office space.
Not only does digitizing your files result in less stuff floating around the office, less stuff getting lost, and less stuff hiding your keys, but it also results in everything being searchable in a few keystrokes rather than digging through piles of folders you pull out of the filing cabinet, which saves time and effort.
Basic Tasks Can Be Automated
When it comes to technology, have you heard of the If This Then That (IFTTT) phenomenon?
It’s a fantastic (and completely free) website/app that “connects your favorite applications, ensuring that they function optimally for you.”
Do you want to save pictures from a property management Canberra folder to a private online folder that you and your team can view from any computer, anywhere at any time?
There’s a “recipe” for it on the IFTTT website.
Want to have a Meeting Minutes document that is pre-formatted and created automatically 15 minutes before a meeting starts? There is a recipe for everything.
When it comes to automating basic activities using IFTTT, the options are endless. To get you started, there are prebuilt recipes that you can browse through to gain some ideas. Click here to read about Organizational property management tips for real estate owners in Canberra.
Organize your notes by establishing a system.
How many times have you had the idea, “Oh, I really need to do that!” come into your head?
The next thing you know, your phone rings, and you’re gone putting out some kind of fire, and you completely forget about your original thought.
Then you’re racking your brain, later on, trying to recall that one item you completely neglected to mention.
Create a method for taking notes that works for you. This may be accomplished via the use of Evernote, Google Keep, or even the Notes app on your smartphone.
Check your notes at the end of the day before you punch out and add them to your calendar before you leave the office.
This will assist you in avoiding dropping the ball while also giving you peace of mind at the end of the workday.
Create Processes That Are Documented
What is the point of documenting your processes? Because “all of your business’s activities, functions, processes, and procedures—the manner that you and your employees are used to doing everything—are nothing more than good intentions” if they are not recorded, according to the authors.
Having a well-defined procedure can assist you in achieving repeated results. It will aid in the quicker training of new workers. It will assist you in delegating duties with the confidence that they will be completed correctly.
Processes that are documented will save you time, money, and tension in your property management Canberra business.
There are many methods for doing this that are much less difficult than you would imagine. There are a variety of alternatives available, such as SweetProcess, that make it simple to structure and put together your processes, as well as to have them easily accessible for your team to learn from and reference.

Organize Your Working Environment
While it’s tempting to believe that having some clutter is just an eyesore and has no impact on your ability to function, or that how you arrange your furniture is simply a matter of personal taste with no importance, both of these assumptions are incorrect.
Office design, according to a study published in Scientific Journal, “motivates workers and improves performance significantly.”
So have your workplace area arranged so that you may be as productive as possible. Here are some suggestions from Neil Patel, who writes for
1. Begin with a thorough cleaning.
2. Designate a “catch-it” area.
3. Keep your desktop free of unnecessary items.
4. Place two document trays on your desk for easy access.
5. Divide the area into two zones.
6. Put tangible items into drawers or arrange trays to keep them organized.
7. Purchase a larger garbage can.
Tips for Managing a Rental Property
Taking action is the most essential advice, and it outranks all the others in terms of importance.
Never expect perfection, but the more quantifiable actions you do, the more opportunities there are for improvement.
Property management Canberra entails a lot of demands on your time, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by them all.
By putting certain time management ideas into practice and working more effectively, you will see an improvement in your productivity as well as an increase in your level of pleasure.
When you are in control of your own day-to-day operations, your properties will be much more successful.